
welcome to our blog! this thing is meant to keep everyone up to date on our lives while we are overseas in Dominica. Feel free to browse the posts and pictures, and comment on them to let us know what you think. As always, you can reach us on facebook, by e-mail at Sam.w.campbell@gmail.com , or we are also on skype. Hope all is well back in the states, and enjoy the blog!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

inLIGHTin pictures

These are the pictures from our first inLIGHTin ministry!

Here's part of the team, hiding in the shade waiting for the door to be unlocked. When the owner showed up to let us in (15 minutes before we were suppossed to start), he told us we looked like refugees camped outside.

Ryan praying before giving the message.

We played chubby bunny for one of the games. The kids had no idea how to play, so Ryan and Liz had to demonstrate!

Although she's obviously not from the age group we were targeting, she's so adorable! Where there's free food, anyone will show up.

Playing capture the flag in Portsmouth's awesome park/cricket field/football field/everything else field.

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