We made it through Mini 1!! Sam came through with flying colors! It's really nice to see all the hard work he's put in these last few weeks pay off. Now that mini 1 is out of the way, the rest of the semester is going to fly by. We're already half way through!
We celebrated today by going to Batibou Beach on the other side of the island with James and Mary. It was a much-needed break. The beach is beautiful, on the Atlantic side and completely secluded, we had it all to ourselves. The boys built a fire and we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. The boys ran around and chopped random things with their machete's while Mary and I relaxed on the beach. It was a GREAT way to spend the afternoon.
On Friday, I had the privilege of going on a community outing for Friends of Espwa, the hospice and palliative care organization I'm part of. I met a wonderful lady who has been living in the area her whole life. She is largely alone now, and struggles a lot with loneliness and has a lot of health issues. If you could think to pray for her, she would really appreciate it. On Thursday we had a huge thunderstorm, and the roof of her house leaked all over her bed. Now that it's hurricane season, she's really afraid of being safe in her house through it. I was able to read some of the Bible to her, because she is unable to read herself which makes her really sad I think. But she was a very friendly lady who would really appreciate you all praying for her.
On Thursday, we had an awesome thunderstorm! Although we get lots of rain, this was the first time really we'd had any significant lightning and thunder. But we certainly got it on Thursday, and it continued to rain pretty much all day Friday. It was beautiful. I still love the rain, even though we see it a lot more frequently down here than in GJ. The downside of rain here though, is that it really overwhelms the water system. Usually the water will just turn brown and be un-drinkable for a couple days, but this time they shut it all the way off! We were without water for a full 24 hours, and it's amazing how much you miss it even for just that short amount of time. We had drinking water saved, the hard part was not having water for washing, showering and flushing the toilet. But it finally came on again this morning, so it is much better! Although it still isn't clear so we're boiling it before we drink it, but at least it's available!
That's pretty much all of our exciting news. Things are slowing down a little now, but not for my school schedule. Kubuli is recovering well from getting fixed, Sam took her stitches out tonight. It's raining some more, so hopefully we'll keep our water! Hope you all are enjoying your summer back home! We miss you lots!